Vampire Game Volume 08 GNPurchase Vampire Game Volume 08 GN
Introduction: Centuries ago the king of Saint Pheliosta, and the Vampire King, Duzell, had a monumental duel. Duzell was defeated and swore that he would fight again in his next reincarnation. Reborn as a wildcat, Duzell is picked up from the wild by Ishtar, the great-granddaughter of his nemesis, Phelios. The fate of ages is reborn and the vampire game begins. This Volume's Story: When the news Prince Yuujel's return reaches everyone in Zi Alda, all hell breaks lose, leaving Ishtar, Duzell and Darres are speechless. Lady Leene's resentment becomes more apparent- -- although married to Captian Ashely, she still carries a torch for the prince. As her fury grows, so, too, does a plot to destroy Ishtar and all those close to her!
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