Vampire Game Volume 01 GNPurchase Vampire Game Volume 01 GN
Introduction: Centuries ago the king of Saint Pheliosta, and the Vampire King, Duzell, had a monumental duel. Duzell was defeated and swore that he would fight again in his next reincarnation. Reborn as a wildcat, Duzell is picked up from the wild by Ishtar, the great-granddaughter of his nemesis, Phelios. The fate of ages is reborn and the vampire game begins. This Volume's Story: In an epic battle, King Phelios defeats King Dusel, but both monarchs are mortally wounded. As the two lay dying, Dusel prophesies that they will meet again, sometime in another place and another time, and vows that he will be triumphant. The moment of resurrection happens hundreds of years later when Dusel comes back as a menacing baby wildcat who is rescued from the wild and adopted by Ishtar, the great-granddaughter of his nemesis, King Phelios. Ishtar is a playful girl with an iron will and a penchant for pranks, a trait that distresses her caretaker, Sir Keld, and a dashing imperial guard, Captain Dales. Ishtar is not, however, the reincarnation of Phelios, leaving the now-feline Dusel to continue his quest for revenge - without letting his new owner know that he is hell-bent on destroying her family ... but would Ishtar even care about that if she knew?
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