The Kingdom GN
The Story: Continuing to look at a possible future of the DC Universe and it heroes, the young boy who survived the holocaust that consumed the farmlands of Kansas has grown up and judged Superman at fault for the destruction that he lived through. Using newly granted powers, Gog has set out on a mission to remove Superman from existence throughout all of time. Now it is up to the children of Batman, Robin, Flash, and Plastic Man to work together to save the Man of Steel and the world from the madman's quest. DC Universe | 232pg. | Color | Softcover | $19.99 US | ISBN 1563895676 Price: $12.99 (35% OFF COVER PRICE!) Most orders ship in 2-4 business days, but please allow up to 14 business days for order processing and delivery time. Free Shipping on any Graphic Novel, Comic or Gaming Book Order over $50.00!
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