R.E.B.E.L.S. Volume 1: The Coming of Starro GNPurchase R.E.B.E.L.S. Volume 1: The Coming of Starro GN
Written by Tony Bedard; Art by Andy Clarke, Claude St. Aubin and Scott Hanna; Cover by Andy Clarke In this new title collecting the first six R.E.B.E.L.S issues, Brainiac's son Vril Dox must recruit a new team to free countless lives across a galaxy. And this time, he's basing his new group on the greatest heroes and villains of the 31st century. But can Dox assemble his team fast enough to stop Starro from conquering the entire universe? DC Universe | 144pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US Dreamlandcomics.com Price: $11.69 (35% OFF COVER PRICE!) Most orders ship in 2-4 business days, but please allow up to 14 business days for order processing and delivery time. Free Shipping on any Graphic Novel, Comic or Gaming Book Order over $50.00!
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