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Purchase High School Girls Volume 03 GN
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High School Girls Volume 3 Graphic Novel
The Story:
Things begin to heat up as Erika and her gang continue to live out the autobiographical tale of Oshima's real life high school experience. In this volume a seemingly average P.E. swim class, becomes a masculine workout for a brawny instructor, and a typical day out on the town is reduced to a boy-watching fetish! More adolescent turmoil, academic woes, and relationships hanging in the bitter balance as the girls take an extended break at the beach where the heat is not the only thing making them sweat!
- By: Towo Ohshima
- Genre: Manga
- Format: 208pgs | B&W | Soft cover
Cover Price: $9.95 Price: $7.97
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Purchase High School Girls Volume 03 GN