Eternity Volume 3 GN
Introduction: In the year 184, three leaders (Yoobe, Kwanoo, and Jangbe) rose up against the oppressive Chinese government and were all killed. Now, a 17-year-old shaman by the name of Aram Ko is in search of the reincarnations of the three men. Back in the year 184, Kwanoo had saved a man's life and, in return, that man ensured that every one of Kwanoo's female descendents became a Shaman so that they could serve Kwanoo when he is reincarnated. This Volume's Story: Jojo is back...and he's got the heads of the high school gangsta world running for their brown pants! In fear of his wrath, the leaders decide to take out Jojo by eliminating Gwanun and Jangbang. However, one of the gang's head honchos, Madong, will have a bone-shattering revelation when he goes face-to-fist with Jojo.
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