Will Eisner's Spirit Archives Volume 12 HCSpirit Graphic Novel
Purchase Will Eisner's Spirit Archives Volume 12 HC
The Story:
The master returns to the work that made him a legend! This Archive collects Spirit sections originally published between January 6, 1946 and June 30, 1946, following Will Eisner's honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. His work here exhibits the bold confidence and breakthrough storytelling that influenced many comic-book creators who followed him! Plus, an introduction by Denis Kitchen.
Will Eisner Library | 216pg. | Color | Hardcover | $49.95 US | ISBN 1401200060
Dreamlandcomics.com Price: $34.97 (30% OFF) Most order ship in 2-3 business days, but please allow up to 14 business days for order processing and delivery time.
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