Watchmen: The Absolute Edition HC (New Printing)Purchase Watchmen: The Absolute Edition HC (New Printing)
The Story: Timed to coincide with the release of the new WATCHMEN HC, DC releases a new printing of WATCHMEN: THE ABSOLUTE EDITION, the oversized, slipcased volume featuring the original 12-issue epic, plus samples of Alan Moore's WATCHMEN scripts, the WATCHMEN proposal, Dave Gibbons' concept art, cover roughs, and more!
DC Universe | 464pg. | Color | Oversized Slipcased Hardcover | $75.00 US Price: $46.50 (38% OFF COVER PRICE!) Free Shipping on any Graphic Novel, Comic or Gaming Book Order over $50.00!
Purchase Watchmen: The Absolute Edition HC (New Printing)
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