Secret Invasion #1 (1:25 Mcniven Variant)$15.00 -- 1st Print McNiven VariantPurchase Secret Invasion #1 (1:25 Mcniven Variant)
The Story :
SECRET INVASION IS HERE!! Years in the making, months in the teasing...and it all STARTS HERE!! The shape-shifting alien race known as the Skrulls has secretly infiltrated every super-powered organization on Earth with one goal...full-scale invasion! In this DOUBLE-SIZED first issue, page after page unveils reveal after reveal and shocking moment after shocking moment! Brian Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu leap off the pages of mega-hit New Avengers and deliver a story that will change the Marvel Universe forever. Price: $15.00 Free Shipping on any Graphic Novel, Comic or Gaming Book Order over $50.00!
Purchase Secret Invasion #1 (1:25 Mcniven Variant)
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