Project EON Graphic NovelProject EON Graphic Novel
Purchase Project EON Graphic Novel
The Story:
Cameron Williams is the only successful test subject from Project EON. However, as far as the government is aware there were never any successes from the program.
Recently, an independent intelligence/mercenary organization call The Cause acquired information that led them to believe there was a successful case study from the project. Members of The Cause with connections to Project EON when it was active heard rumors of a lone successful infant who survived the treatment, but none ever saw the child or even knew if the infant was a boy or girl.
After following years or dead-end leads, The Cause has finally caught up to Cameron. Everything he has known his entire life is about to be flipped upside down and twisted inside out.
Read the exciting story of this young man's journey to love and life and everything in between.
Writers..............Brett Thompson & Freddie E Williams II
Pencils..............Freddie E Williams II & Shawn McGuan
Inks.................Jeremy Colwell & Brett Thompson
Colors..............Joe Pekar & Wes Dzioba
Publisher..........Markosia Comics
Price/Pgs...........$14.95/100pgs Price: $11.96
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