Dead End Volume 01 GN

$9.99 $6.99 -- Manga Graphic Novel 30% Off Cover Price

Purchase Dead End Volume 01 GN

Dead End Volume 01 GN Tokyopop Manga
Dead End Volume 1 Graphic Novel

Shirou is just your ordinary poor construction worker who happens to stumble into a life-changing event that has him screaming, "There's no place like home." In the midst of his confusion and panic, a mysterious companion tells him that all of his questions will be answered and his memory restored if he recovers five friends in three days.

This Volume's Story: Shirou's ordinary life as a poor construction worker gets turned upside down when he comes across a naked girl, Lucy, who's fallen out of the sky! Her strange and unique personality entices him and he introduces her to his apartment buddies.
But after leaving for just a few minutes, he returns to the apartment to find Lucy gone, all his friends slaughtered and an ogre-like stranger standing amidst the carnage.
The big man suddenly pulls Shirou out of the apartment building just before it explodes! Shirou gets pushed down into the sewage system of the city and is saved by a mysterious man...

  • Writer and Artist: Shohei Manabe
  • Genre: Manga/Horror/Drama
  • Publisher: Tokyopop
  • Interior: Black & White
  • Cover: Softcover

    Cover Price: $9.99 Price: $6.99
    (30% Off Cover Price)

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