Cyborg 009 Volume 6 TPPurchase Cyborg 009 Volume 6 TP
Introduction: Cyborg 009 is the story of a half-Japanese juvenile delinquent, Shimamura Joe AKA 'Cyborg 009.' 'Black Ghost,' a top-secret organization bent on promoting global warfare, kidnaps Joe along with eight other unwanted members of society from the four corners of the world and turns them into cyborgs. Though the organization intends to turn the group into super-powered killing machines, it's not long before Joe and his new companions rebel against Black Ghost and make their escape with the help of an old scientist. This Volume's Story: After our double-zero heroes make their way through the jungles of Vietnam, they step out of the frying pan and into a greater fire. The mighty powerful Greek Myutos Cyborg team has heard about their victory in 'Nam and would like to initiate a little tete-a-tete offensive. Never one to shy away from a Sisyphean challenge, our cyborg super group steps up to battle . . . but will they sing paeans of victory? Or will the Herculean strength of the Greek team find 009's Achilles' heel?
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