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Introduction: An ancient seal has been broken, sending a flood of demons into the mortal realm. Hizuru Oborozuki and Takuya Hijou, descendants of the great savior who banished the demons in the past, must fight the evil spirits using their mystical powers. In order to give the world a fighting chance, Takuya uses his music to transform Hizuru into a beautiful warrior. Some things are worth fighting for, but is the Earth one of them? This Volume's Story: Feeling responsible for what happened to Ichigo, Hizuru is reluctant to transform again, not wanting anyone else to get hurt. Meanwhile, Coach Minamida is betrayed by the man she loves when he gets engaged to someone else. Hizuru is forced back into action when Suspicion feeds off of Coach Minamida's feelings of loneliness and betrayal, endangering Coach Minamida-sensei as well as the rest of the world.
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