AT-43 Campaign Book: Operation DamoclesPurchase AT-43 Campaign Book: Operation Damocles
Operation Damocles describes new missions as well as new special rules. This campaign is divided into three phases, one for each level of the factory world. Each phase is compsed of four priority missions, covering the operation and conditions on Damocles This book also contains the official errata for AT-43. This campaign uses the rules from AT-43: The Rulebook and the Army Books. Retail Price: $15.99 Price: $11.19 (30% OFF RETAIL PRICE!) Most orders ship in 2-4 business days, but please allow up to 14 business days for order processing and delivery time. Free Shipping on any Graphic Novel, Comic or Gaming Book Order over $50.00!
Purchase AT-43 Campaign Book: Operation Damocles
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